Pediatric Occupational Therapy
The mission of TLC Occupational Therapy, LLC is to provide pediatric OT to children with special needs, to allow them to reach their maximum potential and function independently. Occupational Therapy, loudoun county virginiainia,
Purcellville, Loudoun County, Virginia
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right. Henry Ford

Trisha Crawford has 20 years experience as an Occupational Therapist, with an emphasis on pediatric Occupational Therapy. She has implemented effective treatment for children of all ages with a variety of diagnoses to improve their gross and fine motor skills, sensory processing and daily functioning. TLC Occupational Therapy, LLC is Located in Purcellville, Loudoun County Virginia. Learn More
Trisha L. Crawford, OTR/L
Trisha Crawford, Occupational Therapy located in
Loudoun County, Purcellville
"It is a pleasure each week to see my daughter happy and excited to do her "work" with Trisha. She is a very caring and patient therapist who puts her heart into her work." Catherine S.
At TLC Occupational Therapy, we provide in-clinic therapy sessions. For anyone considering teletherapy or in-home therapy, consider reading Trisha's viewpoints.

We have the right pieces of the puzzle - Evaluating, Planning, Treatment and Results

No HMO plans / Healthkeepers / Medicaid
For questions about Insurance, please visit my Insurance Page
Occupational Therapy for Loudoun County